Books about Hunting -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Cliff Climbers Mayne Reid 166 downloads
The Lone Ranche Mayne Reid 165 downloads
Perseverance Island; Or, The Robinson Crusoe of the Nineteenth Century Douglas Frazar 162 downloads
The Story of a Red Deer Sir J. W. Fortescue 159 downloads
The Red Man's Revenge: A Tale of The Red River Flood R. M. Ballantyne 153 downloads
The Settler and the Savage R. M. Ballantyne 153 downloads
Boris the Bear-Hunter Frederick Whishaw 152 downloads
Jack the Young Explorer: A Boy's Experiances in the Unknown Northwest George Bird Grinnell 151 downloads
The Rover of the Andes: A Tale of Adventure on South America R. M. Ballantyne 150 downloads
Snowed Up; or, The Sportman's Club in the Mountains Harry Castlemon 149 downloads
Winter Adventures of Three Boys in the Great Lone Land Egerton Ryerson Young 148 downloads
Tim and Tip : or, The adventures of a boy and a dog James Otis 146 downloads
The Battle and the Breeze R. M. Ballantyne 145 downloads
Blown to Bits: The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago R. M. Ballantyne 144 downloads
Fritz and Eric John C. Hutcheson 144 downloads
The Black Panther of the Navaho Warren H. Miller 143 downloads
The Hunter Cats of Connorloa Helen Hunt Jackson 141 downloads
The Pioneers R. M. Ballantyne 140 downloads
Battling the Bighorn; or, The Aeroplane in the Rockies H. L. Sayler 136 downloads
Carl the Trailer Harry Castlemon 136 downloads
The Gun Club boys of Lakeport : or, The island camp Edward Stratemeyer 135 downloads
Oscar in Africa Harry Castlemon 134 downloads
The Trapper's Son William Henry Giles Kingston 133 downloads
In Savage Africa Verney Lovett Cameron 131 downloads
Elam Storm, the Wolfer; Or, The Lost Nugget Harry Castlemon 130 downloads