Books about Children's poetry (sorted by popularity)
A Paris pair; Their day's doings Beatrice Bradshaw Brown 125 downloads
Peter Prim's Profitable Present Unknown 124 downloads
Bye-a Baby Bunting, and Other Rhymes Anonymous 124 downloads
The knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry, for boys and girls Unknown 123 downloads
Figures in Verse and Simple Rhymes, for Little Learners (Second Series; No. 2) Anonymous 123 downloads
Peter Pry's Puppet Show Unknown 122 downloads
Little Wideawake: A story book for little children Mrs. Sale Barker 122 downloads
The Youth's Coronal Hannah Flagg Gould 121 downloads
The Crooked Man and Other Rhymes Anonymous 121 downloads
Rhymes for Harry and His Nurse-Maid Maria Arthington 121 downloads
Sugar and Spice: Comical Tales Comically Dressed James Johnson 119 downloads
Gems Gathered in Haste Anonymous 118 downloads
A Jolly Jingle-Book 118 downloads
Our Little Tot's Own Book Anonymous 116 downloads
Our Boys Various 115 downloads
The Babes in the Wood Anonymous 115 downloads
Charles Dwight; or, the missionary's son Unknown 113 downloads
Wee Wee Songs for Our Little Pets Leila Lee 112 downloads
The Cowslip; Or, More Cautionary Stories, in Verse Mrs. Turner 112 downloads
Simple Poems for Infant Minds Anonymous 111 downloads
The little white gate Florence Hoatson 111 downloads
Golden Moments Anonymous 111 downloads
The adventures of Samuel and Selina Jean C. Archer 111 downloads
A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories Anonymous 109 downloads
Shining Hours Anonymous 109 downloads