Books about Religion -- Philosophy (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–13
The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life Émile Durkheim 4156 downloads
The Essence of Christianity Ludwig Feuerbach 482 downloads
The Philosophy of Natural Theology William Jackson 265 downloads
Colloquium heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis (Latin) Jean Bodin 226 downloads
An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible Catharine Esther Beecher 210 downloads
Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion based on Psychology and History Auguste Sabatier 177 downloads
The Religious Sentiment Daniel G. Brinton 167 downloads
The Sources of Religious Insight Josiah Royce 163 downloads
Le sentiment religieux (French) Henri Bois 132 downloads
Common Sense Applied to Religion; Or, The Bible and the People Catharine Esther Beecher 129 downloads
Religion und Kosmos (German) Johannes Schlaf 125 downloads
Myth and Science Tito Vignoli 114 downloads
God and the World: A Survey of Thought Arthur William Robinson 99 downloads
Displaying results 1–13