Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted by popularity)
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Complete Philip Henry Sheridan 563 downloads
The Variable Man Philip K. Dick 563 downloads
Original Photographs Taken on the Battlefields during the Civil War of the United States Francis Trevelyan Miller 552 downloads
Greenmantle John Buchan 546 downloads
The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Thomas Hardy 545 downloads
Discours par Maximilien Robespierre — 17 Avril 1792-27 Juillet 1794 (French) Maximilien Robespierre 541 downloads
Flag and Fleet: How the British Navy Won the Freedom of the Seas William Wood 539 downloads
New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 1, No. 1 Various 535 downloads
Le feu (Journal d'une Escouade) (French) Henri Barbusse 531 downloads
Film: Set of 4 Atomic Bomb Test Films 530 downloads
South African Memories Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson 529 downloads
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812. Volume 1 A. T. Mahan 528 downloads
The Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer) (French) 523 downloads
Defenseless America Hudson Maxim 523 downloads
L'Illustration, No. 3727, 1er Août 1914 (French) Various 521 downloads
South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 4 (of 8) Louis Creswicke 513 downloads
In Flanders Fields, and Other Poems John McCrae 510 downloads
The Children's Story of the War Volume 4 (of 10) Edward Parrott 506 downloads
Artillery Through the Ages Albert C. Manucy 506 downloads
Alroy: The Prince of the Captivity Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli 506 downloads
The Art of War active 6th century B.C. Sunzi 501 downloads
Arms and Armor of the Pilgrims, 1620-1692 Harold L. Peterson 501 downloads
Current History: A Monthly Magazine of the New York Times, May 1918 Various 500 downloads
Abraham Lincoln: The People's Leader in the Struggle for National Existence George Haven Putnam 498 downloads
Portable Flame Thrower M2-2 United States. War Department 496 downloads