Books in Horticulture (sorted by popularity)
The Fern Lover's Companion George Henry Tilton 244 downloads
Home Vegetable Gardening F. F. Rockwell 234 downloads
Making a Rock Garden H. S. Adams 232 downloads
The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 03 William Curtis 224 downloads
Tea Leaves Francis H. Leggett & Co. 222 downloads
Queen Summer; Or, The Tourney of the Lily and the Rose Walter Crane 218 downloads
Growing Nuts in the North Carl Weschcke 212 downloads
The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 04 William Curtis 206 downloads
The English Husbandman Gervase Markham 200 downloads
Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs Angus D. Webster 193 downloads
My Summer in a Garden Charles Dudley Warner 192 downloads
The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. Ellen Eddy Shaw 189 downloads
Organic Gardener's Composting Steve Solomon 188 downloads
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass F. F. Rockwell 182 downloads
The Amateur Garden George Washington Cable 181 downloads
Wildflowers of the Farm Arthur O. Cooke 180 downloads
The field and garden vegetables of America : containing full descriptions of nearly eleven hundred species and varieties; with directions for propagation, culture, and use. Fearing Burr 179 downloads
Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 176 downloads
Making a Garden of Perennials W. C. Egan 171 downloads
Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them James John Howard Gregory 170 downloads
Amateur Gardencraft: A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover Eben E. Rexford 167 downloads
The Architecture and Landscape Gardening of the Exposition Louis Christian Mullgardt 163 downloads
The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 06 William Curtis 161 downloads
Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement Alva Agee 155 downloads
Dreamthorp : A book of essays written in the country Alexander Smith 154 downloads