Books by Abbott, Jacob (sorted alphabetically)
- Alias Erodore
- Alias Marianne
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Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
Bruno; or, lessons of fidelity, patience, and self-denial taught by a dog Jacob Abbott
Caleb in the Country Jacob Abbott
Charles I Jacob Abbott
Cleopatra Jacob Abbott
Cousin Lucy at Play Jacob Abbott
Cousin Lucy at Study Jacob Abbott
Cousin Lucy's Conversations Jacob Abbott
Cyrus the Great Jacob Abbott
Darius the Great Jacob Abbott
Forests of Maine Jacob Abbott
Genghis Khan, Makers of History Series Jacob Abbott
Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young Jacob Abbott
Georgie Jacob Abbott
Hannibal Jacob Abbott
History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt Jacob Abbott
History of Julius Caesar Jacob Abbott
History of King Charles the First of England Jacob Abbott
History of King Charles the Second of England Jacob Abbott
Jonas on a Farm in Winter Jacob Abbott
King Alfred of England Jacob Abbott
Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels; Vermont Jacob Abbott
Margaret of Anjou Jacob Abbott
Mary Erskine Jacob Abbott
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