Books by Morley, Henry (sorted by popularity)
Ideal Commonwealths 268 downloads
Isaac Bickerstaff, Physician and Astrologer Sir Richard Steele 257 downloads
A Voyage to Abyssinia Jerónimo Lobo 249 downloads
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit and Some Miscellaneous Pieces Samuel Taylor Coleridge 242 downloads
Dialogues of the Dead Baron George Lyttelton Lyttelton and Mrs. Montagu 226 downloads
Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Hester Lynch Piozzi 225 downloads
Sermons on the Card, and Other Discourses Hugh Latimer 221 downloads
The Apology of the Church of England John Jewel 218 downloads
The Existence of God François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon 217 downloads
Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmetic Sir William Petty 214 downloads
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1 Gilbert White 211 downloads
Sermons on Evil-Speaking Isaac Barrow 206 downloads
Three Prayers and Sermons Jonathan Swift 205 downloads
Murad the Unlucky, and Other Tales Maria Edgeworth 205 downloads
Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage Richard Hakluyt 202 downloads
The History of Caliph Vathek William Beckford 202 downloads
Human Nature, and Other Sermons Joseph Butler 196 downloads
A Bundle of Ballads 195 downloads
The Visions of England Francis Turner Palgrave 195 downloads
Mediaeval Tales 188 downloads
Nature and Art Mrs. Inchbald 185 downloads
Early Australian Voyages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier John Pinkerton 184 downloads
The Bravo of Venice: A Romance Heinrich Zschokke 182 downloads
From London to Land's End Daniel Defoe 179 downloads
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2 Gilbert White 175 downloads