Books by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion) (sorted by popularity)
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The Upper Berth; By the Waters of Paradise F. Marion Crawford 527 downloads
Man Overboard! F. Marion Crawford 490 downloads
The Lock and Key Library: The most interesting stories of all nations: American 331 downloads
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 F. Marion Crawford 269 downloads
The Witch of Prague: A Fantastic Tale F. Marion Crawford 253 downloads
Mr. Isaacs, A Tale of Modern India F. Marion Crawford 247 downloads
Wandering Ghosts F. Marion Crawford 232 downloads
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 F. Marion Crawford 225 downloads
Khaled, A Tale of Arabia F. Marion Crawford 220 downloads
Stradella F. Marion Crawford 212 downloads
A Cigarette-Maker's Romance F. Marion Crawford 212 downloads
Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history; vol. II F. Marion Crawford 207 downloads
A Rose of Yesterday F. Marion Crawford 203 downloads
Fair Margaret: A Portrait F. Marion Crawford 202 downloads
An American Politician: A Novel F. Marion Crawford 202 downloads
Marzio's Crucifix, and Zoroaster F. Marion Crawford 190 downloads
Adam Johnstone's Son F. Marion Crawford 187 downloads
The White Sister F. Marion Crawford 186 downloads
Greifenstein F. Marion Crawford 185 downloads
The Diva's Ruby F. Marion Crawford 184 downloads
Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 F. Marion Crawford 183 downloads
Whosoever Shall Offend F. Marion Crawford 168 downloads
Cecilia: A Story of Modern Rome F. Marion Crawford 168 downloads
Paul Patoff F. Marion Crawford 167 downloads
Sant' Ilario F. Marion Crawford 161 downloads
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